The New Year is beginning where the old one ended -- with uncertainty about when – or whether – the Federal Reserve will begin cutting interest rates.
Read MorePresident Barack Obama has made banks the subject line of the populist message he is sending to Americans disgruntled by the sour economy and furious over the outsized bonuses bank executives awarded themselves following the government bail-out of their industry.
Vowing to recover “every single dime the American people are owed,” President Barack Obama announced that his Administration will collect up to $117 billion from the nation’s largest banks over the next 12 years to cover losses from the government-funded rescue of the financial industry.
It’s a now familiar pattern. The Treasury Department releases a quarterly report on the Home Affordable Mortgage Program (HAMP), the Obama Administration’s flagship foreclosure prevention initiative. The results are disappointing.
As signs of the times go, this recent headline in the New York Times Sunday magazine could not have been a welcome one for mortgage lenders: “Just Walk Away.” That’s the advice contributing writer Roger Lowenstein offered to homeowners with under water mortgages, telling those who are able to make their mortgage payments that it may not be in their financial self-interest not to do so.